Year One! (Summer of 2013)

Hello fellow bloggers and readers this is a special post today. I have been blogging for a year now and have no plans to stop. Also I will share my Summer of 2013 which was pretty interesting as well.

So first of all its been a year since I have started blogging and its been an interesting activity. I am a avid reader of other blogs and thought it would be fun to join this community of writers. I have learned a lot about how and what to write. Blogging is a great way to share your insight with others and help inspire and teach along the way. Since I am in school my postings are not consistent as I would like them to be. But when I do I make sure its substantial.

My tool for all of my Blogs.

My tool for all of my Blogs.

I can see how some people can get paid and some who should get paid. I like do it to keep my writing skills fresh and finely tuned so when the time comes to profit from it I can. When the time comes it will be a seamless transition.

So I wonder to myself what to write about next? I have so many ideas and get inspiration from conversations I have and well as in my own mind. Even you readers and fellow bloggers can provide some input and advice, its all good!

Sharing ideas makes us all successful!

Sharing ideas makes us all successful!

Now on to this Summer! Usually I go take a trip somewhere aboard. I always focus on external aspects of things but this year has been quite internal. This year the trip was mental and managed to dig up a lot of interesting things that sort of held me back. I ended up purging a lot of things that have been lingering on in my life. This was also a time I used to throw away a lot of old things that have been piling up in my apartment. I ended up throwing away seven years worth of junk! This helped pave the way for new energy to flow in and all that stagnant stuff has been eradicated. I must say it was very therapeutic. So the Summer was still great even though I didn’t really go anywhere.

This year the Travel was internal.

This year the Travel was internal.

Well thats it for now! Thanks to all my readers and followers, also my fellow bloggers who inspire me to keep it up.

Thanks for an awesome year!



Interlude: Fear

Hello friends this will be another interlude on my blog. These are just short posts on my thoughts on life and things. This one came to me while I was cutting grass. As you know I am a US Army veteran and have done two tours in Iraq. Once in 2003 and again in 2005. I was apart of the initial invasion that thrust into Baghdad in March of 2003. Luckily the parts of the conflict I was involved in was minimal.

I eventually returned home to thankful family and friends. Sometime after I  went to my mother’s church  and the Pastor asked an interesting question. He asked me if I was scared while I was other there. I said ” of course! “. Who wouldn’t be scared of driving into a foreign country who has a reputation for using chemical weapons? Did I let the fear paralyze me? No! I used it. Thats what kept me alert and ready, helping others who needed the help.

Leaders transform fear into something useful then lead.

Leaders transform fear into something useful then lead.

That is how we use fear, not as a barrier but fuel to keep alert and safe. Not paranoid or nervous but cognizant and aware. Its okay to be afraid thats how we see the challenge and choose whether or not to accept it.

Mastering your fears will liberate you.

Mastering your fears will liberate you.

Until next time.


Number 20!

Hello Everyone! we’ve made it to 20 posts! First off thanks for reading/following/commenting! I am grateful for all of your inputs and critiques as it makes my skills sharper and sharper. So to celebrate the 20th post first I will share some of my greatest hits posts. Then my top twenty favorite songs I jam to while I Run, Yoga and other activities.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

My Greatest Hits

Some Healthy Things to Think About

Tools For Being Healthy & Fit

Dean’s Day Off

Deans Top Twenty Workout Jams…

“Man in the Box” – Alice in Chains

“You Take my Breath Away” – The Knife

“In da Club (instrumental)” – 50 Cent

“Ænima” – Tool

“Sober” – Tool

“Theme for Great Cities” – Simple Minds

“Fortune Days” – Glitch Mob

“Hyper” – Cascade

“Goin Out West” – Tom Waits

“Forsaken” – David Draiman of Disturbed

“Blue Jeans” – Ladytron

“Training Montage” – Rocky IV Soundtrack

“Organ Donor” – DJ Shadow

“I Got The Power” – Stevie Wright

“Forty Six and 2” – Tool

“My D!ck” – Mickey Avalon

“Digital Versicolor” – Glass Candy

“Cult of Personality” –  Living Color

“Autobot/Decepticon Battle” -Transformers the Movie Soundtrack 1986

“Why So Serious?” ( Crystal Method Remix) – Dark Knight Soundtrack


Once again thanks and continue to read as we journey on together through this part of my  life.

Crafting Your Skill

I read this blog the other day and it got me thinking about things. Things like what I am doing with myself and my skills. There are people who work just to pay bills and that’s their only unfortunate goal/role. Some people  have families and need to provide for them. That goes without saying. Sometimes we get stuck in a loop of our own habits with even knowing it.

” our habits are invisible to us”

How do your Circles connect?

How do your Circles connect?

 This is where having a hobby or a craft comes in. Something that you can do in your pastime that can not really be a distraction but a SELF fulfilling activity that brings you joy.

Once you start to do it and do it well it will bring you the best satisfaction beyond any drug that’s out there. Also you can profit from your skill and you won’t mind doing so because its fun. I know I love to exercise and as soon as I get my qualifications I would love to profit from it. To quote the Joker in The Dark Knight, “If you are good at something never do for free”. Sounds selfish but at the same time it makes sense. Banks are good at saving our money (sometimes). So we pay for that service. We don’t have to profit monetarily from our potential.We can still but profit in other ways as in your own joy and happiness.

So working on a skill that you enjoy will reap benefits for years to come. Even if you don’t profit from it. The joy of doing something else than just being an automaton of waking up, driving to work and going home to your couch and doing the same cycle over and over again.

You know where the pieces fit..

You know where the pieces fit..

Share your skills here and inspire others to do the same…


Tips for Dealing with Eczema.

Hello every one and Happy Holidays! It looks like Spring is officially here and the Sun is beaming its pleasant rays on everyone. Today I want to get a little personal and talk about how to deal with Eczema. If you don’t know what it is click here to find out.

Basically its a rash that appears on parts or all over your body. Its frustrating, embarrassing and annoying. I have had it since I was a child and it comes and goes when it likes. Or so I thought. There was a time from the late 90’s to 2011 when it was non-existent. Then in the Fall of 2011 it came back with a vengeance. So bad I was out of work for almost a month and one trip to the Emergency Room at the VA (Veterans Affairs Hospital).

I went to a Dermatologist and all they wanted to do was treat it. I am not a conspiracy theorist but it seemed like they wanted to just medicate me and not really solve the problem. Why? Maybe to keep me coming and them employed? Keep the Pharmaceutical industry flowing? Who knows? The bottom line is I wanted to find the source of the problem.

Let me back track to the first flare up I had in the Fall of 2011. My doctor gave me a drug called Prednisone. It works by suppressing your immune system which lowers the effects of Eczema. Sounds like a good idea right? No! It worked at first but when it came back I end up at the Emergency Room at the VA. That’s what Prednisone does it leaves your system weaker; then more susceptible to your aliment. I can’t really blame my Doctor because he was stumped himself. He drew blood and checked it everything was ok.

After some careful meditation and thinking I went to an Allergist and explained to her the condition and what I WANTED  to do about it. My plan was clear, analyze my blood and see what is causing my skin to break out. This time my Allergist put me on a metered Prednisone regimen. Which included large then small doses while I waited for the results.Come to find I was allergic to a lot of things. Here is a small list if you know me you know I LOVE to eat and can bust down 2 or 3 plates of food and have room for Ice Cream and Apple Pie.

Here is the short list:

  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Milk
  • Sesame
  • Egg
  • Pollen

I know you are thinking Damn Dean! What do you eat?!?! The answer is carefully! If you read food ingredients you will find out a lot of foods contain the first three items on that list. Sucks right? No more Ribs slathered in sauce, Hamburgers, Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake. All gone and no more. I live with it and found foods that contain NONE of my allergens.

So there are many morals to this story. One, don’t just get treated; find out the source of what making you sick. Two, Doctors sometimes don’t know everything. Finally, this one is for Parents especially sometimes you think that kids will “grow out” of certain things, that’s not the case. If you can get them looked at before it becomes something that gets out of control. I am leaving you with a list of some things that can cause Eczema and some ways to treat it.


  • White Sugar/Refined Sugar
  • Milk
  • Shrimp/Lobster
  • DRINKS as Opposed to Juice (There is a difference)
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Polyester Materials
  • Dust Mites and their Waste
  • Pets
  • Down Comforters
  • Perfumes/Colognes
  • Certain Soaps and Deodorants

Tips for Dealing and Healing

  • Warm Showers
  • Cetaphil Soap and Lotion
  • Auqaphor Ointment
  • Washing Bedding in HOT Water.
  • Cotton Clothing
  • Wash Dishes with Neoprene Gloves

It’s a process of give and take some things may work some won’t. Also get a skin test and that will also determine what is making you ill.

That’s it for now!



It’s YOUR Year in 2013!

Hello everyone! Hope you are enjoying your gifts and nursing your holiday party hangovers. Hey! We even survived the impending Apocalypse! With that being said lets look to the future and what opportunities 2013 will bring.

Someone asked me what my new years resolution was. I told her I don’t have one, all I want is to do better than I did last year. That’s it. Nothing more or less. So I am going to share with you all how I plan to do this. Maybe it will help you get ideas on what you want for the new year.

  1. Get an annual check up. I get a physical/dental exam around my birthday month. This way i know whats going good or bad. You are the only one who can take care of your self.
  2. Continue to study and practice Yoga. This is my hobby maybe yours is reading, drawing or exercise, having a hobby is great. Its keeps your mind fresh and away from bad habits.
  3. Stay in school and continue the practice of Autodidacticism. If you don’t know what that means; basically it means “self-taught”. This gifts from this are infinite. I will always be a student.
  4. Family time. Yeah I know we get caught up in our rapture and routine of our lives. Family is the gel that will keep you together. Plan a day out and go somewhere, doesn’t even have to be fancy, dinner is good.
  5. Travel! One of my favorite things to do. Going somewhere different is great as you can look outside the sphere of your life and reflect. Even a simple road trip for a day will let you experience something new. Also go somewhere alone and use your natural skills to figure out who to get around.

Well that’s all I have and will be my last post for 2012. Once again thanks for all the support and following my blog. Happy New Year and see you in 2013!




Interlude: Dreams

Hey everyone! Its been awhile! I know, school and work are keeping me from doing this blog. I haven’t forgotten about you though! Wishing everyone a great holiday season and a positive new year in 2013!

So in the meantime while I finish up my Yoga blog I will leave you with a gem that I found on my phone from last year. This was written as I sat in Heathrow Airport in 2011 returning back to NY. I have left it untouched sans any grammar or punctuation corrections. Enjoy!


I am taking this time to reflect on my trip and a lot of other things. We as Americans take what we have for granted or lose sight of what we want. Well lets just say get distracted. As some of you know I went to London for vacation. This was a great trip and sort of inspired me to write this.
On my last night out I was talking to my friend Mac, I had said, “the dream is over.” he replied,” Well least you are going back to the land of dreams.” What he said made me think about other people who come to America like my grandmother and came to accomplish what they desired.
I here a lot of talk about “foreigners” coming over and taking jobs from Americans. Sometimes I want to yell in their ear and say that they came here the same way their forefathers/ancestors/grandparents did jackass! This makes me very annoyed because WE ALL have a fair shot to get what you want. But if you sit there and don’t do anything, while they are busting their ass to get that house and car who is to blame? That’s the question i leave to you…..

Welcome to Number 10!

Hey everyone! What’s good. Out there? Hope all you readers are doing as well as I am.

So here we are, post number 10! First off thanks for taking the time out to read and check out my side of the world. Also I hope you are learning and being entertained from all what i have been sharing.

I started this blog for many reasons. First as a way to keep my mind focused and keep an account of my life. Second, a lot of people have praised my writing skills . So why let my skill go to waste? Finally this is a great way to secure and promote my name on the World Wide Web.

As this being my 10th post. I figured I would share some of my top ten blogs and sites that I go to. Some are fun, interesting and even profound. Some of them have inspired me to blog in the first place. So here they are. Enjoy!

Once again thanks for reading and stay tuned for another ten posts!


This is a cool place for men to get a lot of insight and tips for living in today’s modern world, some of the posts and blogs are raw, plus brutally honest. You have been warned.


Great site for figuring out all that stuff that goes on inside your head. Lots of stuff to learn in there!


This is where I get all my comic news and Sci-Fi stuff. A must for comic book nerds like myself.


Her energy alone will make you want to workout. But lots of fun exercises for women and guys too. Women always ask me fitness questions, so I usually steer them here.


This is a cool site that I enjoy reading. Her writing style is awesome and always gives me inspiration to write more.


Another site that motivates me to write, especially about fitness. If you are a true athlete then this is the place to get that boost we all need sometimes.


Great place to brush up on your Yoga skills. The Animations are cool and show you how to hold each pose.


If you like to star gaze and track the moon, this is the place to go. It will let you know what stars and phases of the moon are around daily.


All the exercises you will ever need and some great lectures on nutrition.


Yes Facebook! It gets a bad rep sometimes, but its only entertainment! Nothing more, nothing less.
There it is, some of my favorite places to go while I am on the World Wide Web. So join me in a toast for 10 posts and to 10 more into infinity!

Stay well!


Summer 2012

Well as Summer winds down and the weather shifts I am reflecting not only this Summer but the year. This year started off by burying my Grandmother which was sad, but no one lives forever even if you think they will. That showed me upfront the finality of life. This Summer has been one of the best so far and have gained a lot of insight into myself and other things.


Road Trip!

Fast forward to July when school broke for the Summer. I decided to go on a up north trip and visit some of my old stomping grounds, such as SUNY Canton and Fort Drum. Before I left I planned on staying in Syracuse which is a good middle point for NY state, from there I was able to venture out in any of the four cardinal directions. I started by taking a drive out to Niagara Falls. That was an awesome experience watching nature do its thing. The New York side is cool as you can really walk around the park; but the Canadian side is where the view will show you the true glory of the falls. You can walk across the bridge into Canada. There you buy some liquor from the Duty Free. Try “Ice Wine” champagne; it’s like candy flavored Champagne! The next day I visited Fort Drum where I met up with my old boss and mentor from the Army Ed Malinowski. Visiting Fort Drum was cool seeing the place where I learned to Soldier was awesome. The place has changed but is still the same. We ate at the DFAC (Dining Facility) and talked about benefits of Army life and the even better life as a Veteran.From Fort Drum I visited SUNY Canton was about a hour drive from Ft. Drum. Canton looked the same, but I strolled through the park and stuff. Was a good way to set the Summer off and break from school.

Niagara Falls from the Bridge to Canada


Dan Akykroyd’s quirky Vodka Bottles

Visiting Fort Drum


London aka The Motherland!

Going to London was a blast! Last time I went I was a bit of a tourist this time I chilled out and immersed myself in London Pub culture. I still have family out there and as always they made me feel at home and welcome. During this time the Olympics was going on and I got a one in a lifetime chance to hold the Olympic Torch and the medals being used for the events. My Uncle lives close to the Olympic Stadium so we went by there on the day of the opening ceremony. Seeing people from all over the world gathered in one place was amazing. You could feel the energy of excitement and felt the pride of London in the air. That day was another highlight of my trip.

Holding The Olympic Torch!

The Stadium where the Games where played.


Back to the Pub culture though, I don’t know how the British do it!(even though I am a pseudo Brit) I thought my Army peoples drank a lot but every night is a party night there. The weather was awesome and only rained when I was leaving. I guess London was sad I was departing! Was a great vacation and nothing beats coming home to New York. I like traveling as it takes you out of your “zone” and lets you see the world from out outside of your bubble. Got some inspiration and renewed energy from my “Motherland” while I was gone also.

Always a Party in London.

Good Peoples and good drinks..



Okay, this is a real personal, if you read “Some Healthy Things To Think About” you know about my path on personal fitness. Some may think I am a little obsessed which is probably true but anyway, but I do things that my future self will thank me for. Also I haven’t mentioned my food allergy. Since I was a child I have had eczema, it comes and goes and is a nuisance to say the least. But the Fall of 2011 I had a really bad outbreak of it. A month out of work bad. At first it was all about treatments. But I thought about this and decided to find the cause and not just keep putting a Band Aid on it. I mean something must be causing this right? So I went to an Allergist and had my blood analyzed. Well here is the shortlist of the things I can’t eat anymore:

  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Nut Products
  • Scallops

Yeah! Sucks right? No more of my Baked BBQ Ziti with Three Cheeses. No more Ice Cream! Chocolate Cake! But I survived and just find foods that are allergen free. Eczema is a hassle and to parents with children look to what they are eating if they have this condition. Adults you too could have an allergic reaction too food in the form of Eczema.


This Summer I was dedicated my fitness routine to Yoga. I put Yoga as the base from which everything else fitness wise branches from. Personally it has made all other exercises and movements I do much more fluid, focused and finally powerful. Yoga will make you aware of your body and how use it. I think that Yoga makes your body strength more resilient and lets you control and manipulate the weights better. Let me add that Yoga is a good way of harnessing your energy and focusing it properly. I concentrated on Body Weight exercises more as this develops more body control. This added with weight training and Aerobics and I am enjoying the benefits of a healthy body.

This is a hobby and what I call “Playtime”, exercise is when I go have fun to work on my skill and learn my craft. There are many tools that I use to perfect my craft. I have exercises that i do more than some and even have favorites. Also I make a list of exercises to do so I stay on track and don’t forget what to do. So when I am at the gym I am in the zone and can stay on track. This way also I have exercises that get results . In the future I will share exercises and other things to help you stay healthly and fit.

Here is a list of some of the things I don’t go to the Gym without:

  • Jump Rope
  • Yoga Mat
  • Vibram Five Fingers
  • Interval Timer
  • Chalk
  • Mp3 Player

With these items here I can do the impossible!


As I mentioned my Grandmother is gone and when I seen her get buried I told myself that all my negative aspects and thoughts would be “buried” as well. That I will live my life freely and without regrets. Then I stumbled upon this word:


This word means excellence in any kind. This is how I have decided to live my life from now on. Now you may think that its a pretty daunting task but if you think about it, its not. From this I give 100% to what ever i do, there will be days when I may feel down or low but in the long run this word will keep me focused and driven to succeed and move forward. This is why I decided to start a Blog. Not only to keep myself focused and accountable,but too also share what I know with others and they can share with me as well. As time goes I will expound on this principle more.

‘It’s manifested, the Gods work like appliances
Dealin in my cypher I revolve around sciences’ (GhostFace,Criminology 1995)


So this is where we are at right now. Looking forward to the future and still living in present. I hope everyone else out there had a great Summer and will share some stories with us as well.


Dean Joseph