MAY DAY! (Interlude)

Hello Everyone! How is it going out there? Hope all is well with you and yours.

This is just a free write today nothing serious or structured. Also testing out my new look on my page. It has been almost a year since I have started blogging and just reflecting on things as they pass through my mind.


Keeping My Skills Sharp!

Since then I have been doing the school and work thing which is cool that I am learning something but time consuming at the same time. It’s still good and great to be learning a new skill. These skills will add and be what I need to secure the future I want.


2014 Right Around The Corner!

As the days get longer its time to get some fresh air and enjoy the world around. I for one will make it my travel as much as I can and see new things and explore my state and others. Summer is a great time to hang out with friends and make new ones.


Where to Go Next?

So friends tell me how is it going in your world and plans for the Summer and beyond? Feel free to share any thoughts in the Comment Box.


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